As a part of Indiana-based and family-owned MacAllister Machinery, we have a rich history and a long-standing tradition of supplying top-notch equipment, first class service, and in-depth technical knowledge.
Our History Is Agriculture
The MacAllister Machinery tradition has always included agriculture. From the beginning in 1941 as an Allis Chalmers dealership, through the heady growth days of Caterpillar, to our current position as a top tier AGCO dealership, we have never lost sight of the importance of agriculture to our business, and to the world. Today, we continue to be the fastest growing AG dealership in the state by focusing on our partnership with the farmers of Indiana. We strive to be the dealership of choice by selling excellent products at competitive prices and providing world-class product support.
Why Buy from MacAllister Machinery?
You’re not planting the same seed hybrids that your grandpa used to plant, and you’re not applying the same chemicals that your father used to put on. So, why buy the same tractor they always bought? Let MacAllister Ag show you some of the latest innovations in Ag technology which have given us today’s robust, highly efficient, powerful machines. Stop in and see us, and remember our commitment to the idea that our customers should make more money by dealing with MacAllister than by dealing with our competitors.
Want to learn more?
Learn more about MacAllister Machinery.
Want to join the team?
To be the very best, we have to hire the very best, and we believe we have the best people in the industry. If you’d like to be part of the team, please visit our Careers section to view current job openings or submit an application.
Have other questions or comments?
Please contact us.